Regulation of Arbitrary and Semi-Outdoor Spaces

Arbitrary settlement is the process where after the payment of the single special fine or the relevant fee only, the collection and imposition of any sanction is suspended for a time proportional to the category of the arbitrary construction or a definitive exemption from demolition occurs, for arbitrary constructions, arbitrary changes of use as well as for any urban planning and building violation that can be included in the new Law on Addressing Arbitrary Construction N.4495/2017.

We undertake the full implementation of all the required actions for the settlement - legalization of your arbitrariness, in accordance with existing legislation. After communication, an engineer from our office visits you for an autopsy and receipt of all the necessary supporting documents. Upon completion of the process on our part, we deliver you a complete settlement file of your arbitrariness.

The 5 points of the process of joining the arbitrary regulation:

1. The citizen addresses an engineer who has access to the electronic system of the TEE. The engineer carries out an autopsy, collects the information required to complete the regulatory application and calculates the "provisional penalty".

2. The engineer completes and submits the application electronically, and the system issues a "unique number" for the arbitrary, order to pay the appropriate "subscription fee" to the regulation (toll), as well as the amount of payments in relation to the number of of installments to be selected.

3. The fee is paid by the citizen (also electronically via web banking) to a Banking institution of his choice. The payment is automatically certified and the membership process is activated. The following are the installment payments for which the system is automatically informed. The citizen is given a code that will allow him to be informed about the registration of installments and the balance due until the completion of the process.

4. The required plans and other data are collected or drawn up. Based on these, the "final fine" is calculated and the amount of installments is redefined by the system.

5. The engineer all the required elements and plans in the system electronically. Upon establishing that they are complete, an "AUTHORIZED SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE" is automatically issued. This is a standardized form in which all the elements of the arbitrator included in the arrangement will be reported. The attestation is necessary for the transfer of ownership.

Procedure for electronic submission of supporting documents:

1. The engineer is obliged within six (6) months from the payment of the fee to complete the electronic submission of the necessary supporting documents.

2.a Until the completion of the submission of the supporting documents, it is possible to end the procedure, provided that the single special fine is paid and an electronic statement is submitted by the authorized engineer of par. 1 of article 1 of this decision that he has at his disposal all the supporting documents and the studies and will submit them electronically by the above deadline. If the above conditions are met, the certificate of par. 1a (par. iii) of article 3 of the Law is issued upon request. 4178/2013.

b. For the implementation of par. 3 of article 3 of Law 4178/2013, as copies of the plans from the information system, copies of the plans bearing the signature and seal of the Engineer are submitted and attached, on which the electronic code of the declaration of compliance with the provisions of Law 4178/2013, extracted from the information system. In the event that the specific plans have not been submitted electronically to the information system in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, the copies of the plans bear the Engineer's signature and seal, the electronic code of the declaration as well as the Engineer's declaration that he has at his disposal all supporting data and studies and will submit them electronically within the prescribed deadline.

3. With the payment of the single special fine at a rate of at least 30%, if a statement is submitted electronically by the authorized engineer of par. 1 of article 2 that he has all supporting documents and studies at his disposal and will submit them electronically within the above deadline, the special certificate of par. 1a (par. iii) of article 3 of Law 4178/2013. In the technical report accompanying the certificate, a clear reference is made to the payment of 30% of the single special fine pursuant to par. 1b of the same article. For the implementation of paragraph 3 of article 3 of Law 4178/2013, as copies of the plans from the information system, copies of the plans bearing the Engineer's signature and seal, which contain the electronic code of the declaration of compliance with the provisions of the Law, are submitted and attached. 4178/2013 which is extracted from the information system. In the event that the specific plans have not been submitted electronically to the information system in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, the copies of the plans bear the Engineer's signature and seal, the electronic code of the statement as well as the Engineer's statement that has all the supporting data and studies at his disposal and will submit them electronically within the prescribed deadline.

4. The electronic code of the declaration of compliance with the provisions of Law 4178/2013, extracted from the information system, is written on the supporting documents and plans delivered by the responsible engineer to the owner, attached to the contracts or submitted for the issuance of administrative acts. In the event that these supporting documents have not yet been entered into the system, they will be accompanied by a responsible declaration by the engineer that they are identical to those that will be entered in electronic form. The supporting documents at the time of their validity as well as the plans according to this article, if they are attached to legal acts, may be validated by a notary public according to the provisions of the text in order to be attached to subsequent acts.

5. From the entry into force of this, the overall affiliation process (joining, termination) is processed

exclusively electronically. In particular, for the drawing up of notarial documents with the object of transferring or establishing a real right to any property, including undeveloped plots, fields and plots of land, the certificate of article 3 of Law 4178/2013 which is attached to the notarial documents, is issued in any case through the information system of N. 4178/2013.

6. For the implementation of the provision of par. 8 of article 11 of Law 4178/2013 regarding the submission or not of the static adequacy study, where required, special mention is made in each certificate of incorporation and in the certificate of par. 1a (about iii) of article 3 of Law 4178/2013 for transfer. The report on the certification for the submission or non-submission of a static adequacy study is entered by the authorized Engineer in the Technical Report that accompanies the issuance of the certification of par. 1a (par. iii) of article 3 of Law 4178/2013. In any case, if a static adequacy study is not submitted, it is expressly stated that the static adequacy study must be submitted before completing the identity of the building according to the provisions. The special mention on the affiliation certificate is registered after the activation of the relevant electronic procedure according to par. 6 of article 4 hereof. The special mention on the technical report that accompanies the certification of par. 1a (par. iii) of article 3 of Law 4178/2013, where required, is registered from the entry into force of this.