Energy Performance Certificate

The Energy Certificate or Energy Performance Certificate (PEA) is the document that classifies each property in energy categories. The classification is done on a scale from A to H, which represents the energy status of the property.

The PEA lists the estimated annual energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. It also lists the contribution of renewable energy sources to meeting the property's energy needs.

The purpose of the certificate is to highlight the behavior of the property in terms of energy consumption. This consumption is related to the heating and air conditioning system, but also to the way hot water is supplied.

The PEA is included in the Building Identity, which is essentially a "digital file" that contains all the information of a property.

Energy Performance Certificate: When is it required?

The Energy Certificate is necessary in the following cases:

  1. When a part or the whole building is leased or planned
  2. When a part or the whole building is offered for sale
  3. In every posting of a property sale or lease ad (in the press or on the internet).
  4. To complete the inclusion of houses in the home savings program.
  5. After the radical renovation of the building
  6. For public buildings

It is the property owner's obligation to proceed with the PEA issuance process. Note: The energy certificate cannot be issued for arbitrary properties.

What supporting documents do you need for the issuance of the Energy Certificate?

As usual in these cases, there are certain supporting documents that you will need to gather for the issuance of the PEA. It would be a good idea to consult with the inspector who will direct you as to what documents to collect.

In general, the certificates that every owner needs for the issuance of the Energy Certificate are the following:

  1. Title Deed (property contract or E9 or parental allowance).
  2. Building Permit Number for houses built after 01/03/1983.
  3. Floor plan (in case the floor plan cannot be provided, there is a possibility for the inspector to design a sketch).
  4. Issuing an electronic ticket from the TAXIS service with code 8012 worth €5 with its codes. owner of the property
  5. Access to the Boiler or Control Sheet.

Also, the following information is needed, which is usually included in the above supporting documents:

  1. General details of the building.
  2. Street, number, area, zip code
  3. Property number (eg apartment).
  4. Exact square meters of the property.
  5. Year of completion of building construction.
  6. Reason for issuing an Energy Class Certificate.
  7. Owner details (name, surname, VAT number).